General News Category
General News Category
WordPress, an excellent CMS, empowers our project. We love it!. According to this source here, there is an upcoming major release on November 29th. The new release will upgrade to Gutenberg editor. We will upgrade to the new version as soon as technically possible. Issues are not foreseen for the upgrade, in case Read more…
We’ve strumbled on this fascinating article about a wireless air data boom development. You can download the whole article pdf from the site in this link.
We’re publishing here a link to a youtube video. No involvement with the cited company, however, the video shows pretty clearly what is intended for instrumented flight. Let’s say the video is motivational. Indeed we need to complete and polish our DIY air data system :-). Check out this free, DIY Read more…
That is air data! Check out this air data setup from the NASA website. Impressive amount of pressure tap points.
You find here an (amazing!) detailed paper by John Vassberg “Boomerang Flight Dynamics” . That’s gold! Anyway, we’ve downloaded and we are trying Boomlab. Finite element approach here.
A few months ago we’ve tested the latest release of our air data computer, the Asgard. We’ve released it on Hackaday and we received positive feedback. You find all the information to start to build your ADC in this page.
One of our users uploaded Basicairdata STL files to Shapeways online 3D print service. So far the print results are good with this service. Shapeways service can be handy for the people that are not willing to use the STL files or need a fast print. The STL files are available Read more…
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Do you need measurements of airspeed, make your Pitot-Static probe today! Find all the necessary information in this article here, one short application list is here.