Kicad project files for Custom Printed Board and files for online print services
Note: Check the PCB picture. We’ve sent the protoboard to two different online services. DirtyPCB(Green) and OSHPark(Purple).For OSHPark we have a direct link to the board. So far no critical issues.
To complete one ADC electronic board you need the following material (Bill of Material for PCB only)
- 1x Custom Printed Circuit Board
- 2x SIL Socket, 4 contacts, Pitch 2.54 (You can solder directly the sensors to the board or use straight sockets strip also). You can buy one connector with multiple contacts (i.e. 32) and split it by hand to the desired size. See for example this online shop.
- 1x Socket strip, straight, 4 contacts, Pitch 2.54. You can buy one connector with multiple contacts and trim to size with a cutting tool. See for example this online shop.
- 2x Socket strip, straight, 24 contacts, Pitch 2.54. You can buy one connector with multiple contacts and trim to size with a cutting tool. See for example this online shop.
- 4x Through hole ceramic Resistor R= 4700 Ohm, L=3.6 (DIN0204). (Similar size is good, mounting is vertical). See for example this online shop.
- 1x Servo extension cable, 15 cm. See for example this online shop.
- 1x Differential pressure sensor is the Honeywell HSCSRRD001PD2A3 . Trim about 7 mm from the connectors, as per Figure 1. See for example this online shop
1x Absolute pressure sensor is the Honeywell HSCSRNN16BA2A3 . Trim about 7 mm from the connectors, as per Figure 1. See for example this online shop
- 1x Teensy 3.6 board with header pins. See for example this online shop.
- 20 cm(for use within the enclosure) Silicone tube
, wall 0.75mm. Shore 60°. See for example this online shop.
Wireless communication is possible only with a Bluetooth module installed
- 1x Bluetooth module HC-05. It is possible to use also HC-06 or BlueSmirf modules. Most modules have connections pins parallel to the board. Prior to mounting the pins need to be rotated with a plier to be at 90° with respect to the board. If you find a module supplied with the correct pins orientation please contact us.
Secure digital storage is possible only with a micro SD card inserted into Teensy 3.6 card slot
- 1x Micro SD 4 GB (or less)
External temperature measurement is possible only with a plugged temperature sensor
- 1x TMP36GT9z Temperature sensor. See for example this online shop.