Do you want to be included in a small DIY batch delivery?
Now closed, thank you for your collaboration!
Update September 19th: Tested PCB assembly service

We can coordinate our efforts with you to produce a small batch of DIY Asgard Air Data Computers/Units. The units will be shipped tested and ready to go.
- Estimated cost per unit is NaN EUR / NaN USD + Shipping Cost
- The cost will be lowered as the batch size increases or new info is available
- Deadline for participation submission is 1st October 2019
- The current estimate for delivery is on February 2020

How to participate
Provide your availability to receive one Asgard ADC via email
Send you mail to adcdiy @
You will be contacted!
What is Asgard ADC
Asgard is an electromechanical device that must be coupled with a pitot-static probe and an outside temperature sensor to provide reliable speed and thermophysical information. Speed is measured relative to the wind, not to the ground as a standard GPS, so it’s useful in different scenarios. That information is used in airplane flight or in performance biking, it’s not the same to pedal upwind rather than downwind :-). Applications of Pitot measurements are multiple, from HVAC to Flow Metering. The ADC is a general purpose unit so can fit all the common scenarios and calculate general thermophysical data like temperature, pressure, density, and viscosity.

The unit can be used with third-party commercial probes but is widely tested with DIY Basic Air Data 8 mm Probe. The unit can be fitted with an external, solid state, temperature sensor.
Asgard ADC was released back in 2017. We performed on Hackaday in early 2018. A while after we released the Android control app Air Data Bridge. You find all the open software on GitHub, and it is pretty simple to customize the unit; You can program the microcontroller with the common, and well documented Arduino IDE, further the unit has a built-in command server. It is possible to read unit output using a microSD, a USB connection(real time), or a Bluetooth enabled device with or without the use of our custom free software.
A small gallery of Asgard applications
Wind Tunnel Test of 8 mm Probe Pitot on Bicyle
Supply content
The initial idea is to provide the Asgard ADC in the reference configuration. After receiving users feedback we will evaluate any modification.
At a glance
- Hardware
- Asgard ADC fully assembled custom PCB with pressure sensors installed and connected with internal silicone piping
- Bluetooth module HC-05
- 3D printed enclosure, complete with N.2 barbed nipples for silicone tube (This video shows barbed nipple pneumatic connectors)
- Teensy 3.6 Board with pins
- MicroSD card 4GB plugged in
- Temperature sensor TMP36GT9Z
- Software
- Documentation
- Native files for custom development and integration
Tech links
Asgard ADC Specifications, Github Repository, Protocol description
This is not a commercial initiative and Basic air data is not a company. Collaborate at your own risk!
1 Comment
Basic Air Data · July 2, 2019 at 5:42 pm
You can do better! 🙂 Leave your feedback for the project. You can use direct email adcdiy @