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Subscribe to the Basic Air Data Newsletter! News about DIY Air Data GPS Logger releases
Basic Air Data custom App to interface with the air data computer is out on Google Play store.
We’ve reviewed the assembly instructions for the air data computer Asgard and added a time-lapse video.
¡Finalmente puedes leer algunos de los articulos de Basic Air Data en Español! Un grupo de aficionados makers Desarolla, prueba y publica acerca de hardware y software DlY para la medición de las propiedades del aire Promociona, usa, y desarrolla instrumentos y métodos de medicion Proyecto no comercial, contribución libre, publicación Read more…
Air Data Bridge is a new software to use the Air Data Computer with Android. Although it is under development, we’ve already reached a minimum functionality. The development release is available on Air Data Bridge Github repo. We will publish the app on Google play store as soon as possible.
Vortex fascination has been captured by an interactive installation. The Japanese art collective, teamLab uses the movement of visitors to drive vortex motion in National Gallery of Victoria.
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The air data computer performed on Hackaday Check out this article! Not to mention that Hackaday is a unique and impressive resource for DIYers. We thank all the Hackaday staff, and we salute in particular Tom Nardi. Hat tip to all the Basic Air Data collaborators.
We’ve written down a getting started article. That should help the new ADC users after the first firmware upload.
We’ve published the 3D models of the 8 mm Pitot-Static probe on a dedicated repository. We used Freecad to generate the models.